
Welcome! This website provides a forum for me to share my projects, photos and thoughts to the world. I am very passionate about the design of bridge structures, and much of this website is devoted to this topic. I am currently working as a bridge designer for the new $4.5 billion Champlain Bridge. In addition to engineering and architecture, my passions include space exploration, neurology, and music.

Me in front of the New Champlain Bridge (Summer 2017)

You can explore my website, and learn more about me and my interests at the following pages:

About me A brief summary of who I am, what I have done, and what I want to do!

Structural Digest – My personal blog, providing a unique insight into the latest innovations in structural engineering and architecture.

Projects – A collection of projects that I am most proud of.

Photos – Photos of my favourite bridges, taken during my travels abroad and at home.

For details of my experience, please see my Resume.